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Sunday, 20 October 2013

Secure Data Transmission using Alternate Path in Ad hoc Network

 Secure Data Transmission using Alternate Path in Ad hoc Network
Er. Isha Nagpal
Assistant professor,DCSE, PPIMT,Hisar

Learning Objectives:
·        Introduction to Mobile Ad hoc Network
·        Types of Routing In MANET
·        Traditional Approach of Data Transfer in Unicast Transferring
·        Security Requirements of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) consists of a collection of wireless mobile nodes which dynamically exchange data among themselves without the reliance on a fixed base station or a wired backbone network. The ad-hoc network provides lack of secure boundaries. An ad hoc network is the cooperative engagement of a collection of mobile nodes without the required intervention of any centralized access points i.e. no access points passing information between participants act as LAN which is built spontaneously as devices connected instead of relying on base stations to coordinate the flow of messages to each node in a network.
                 In MANETs communication between nodes is done through the wireless medium. Because nodes are mobile and may join or leave the network. MANETs have a dynamic topology. Nodes that are in transmission range of each other are called neighbours. Neighbours can send data directly to each other. However, when a node needs to send data to another non-neighbouring node, the data is routed through a sequence of multiple hops, with intermediate nodes acting as routers.

Types of Routing in MANET
1.1    Unipath Routing in MANET
In unipath routing, only a single route is used between a source and destination node. Routing protocols are used to find and maintain routes between source and destination nodes.
Two main classes of ad hoc routing protocols are table-based and on-demand protocols:
a) Table Based Protocols: Each node maintains a routing table containing routes to all nodes in the network. Nodes must periodically exchange messages with routing information to keep routing tables up-to-date. Therefore, routes between nodes are computed and stored, even when they are not needed.
b) On Demand Protocols: Nodes only compute routes when they are needed. On-demand protocols consist of the following two main phases:
1. Route discovery: It is the process of finding a route between two nodes.
2. Route maintenance: It is the process of repairing a broken route or finding  a new route in the presence of a route failure.
Two of the most widely used protocols are the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and the Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocols. AODV and DSR are both on-demand protocols.
Dynamic Source Routing: DSR is an on-demand routing protocol for ad hoc networks. Like any source routing protocol, in DSR the source includes the full route in the packets’ header. The intermediate nodes use this to forward packets towards the destination and maintain a route cache containing routes to other nodes.
Route discovery: If the source does not have a route to the destination in its route cache, it broadcasts a route request (RREQ) message specifying the destination node for which the route is requested. The RREQ message includes a route record which specifies the sequence of nodes traversed by the message. When an intermediate node receives a RREQ, it checks to see if it is already in the route record. If it is, it drops the message. This is done to prevent routing loops. If the intermediate node had received the RREQ before, then it also drops the message. The intermediate node forwards the RREQ to the next hop according to the route specified in the header. When the destination receives the RREQ, it sends back a route reply message. If the destination has a route to the source in its route cache, then it can send a route response (RREP) message along this route.       Route maintenance: When a node detects a broken link while trying to forward a packet to the next hop, it sends a route error (RERR) message back to the source containing the link in error. When an RERR message is received, all routes containing the link in error are deleted at that node.
Ad Hoc On Demand Distance vector: AODV is an on-demand routing protocol for ad hoc networks. AODV uses hop-by-hop routing by maintaining routing table entries at intermediate nodes.
Route Discovery: The route discovery process is initiated when a source needs a route to a destination and it does not have a route in its routing table. To initiate route discovery, the source floods the network with a RREQ packet specifying the destination for which the route is requested. When a node receives an RREQ packet, it checks to see whether it is the destination or whether it has a route to the destination. If either case is true, the node generates an RREP packet, which is sent back to the source along the reverse path. When the source node receives the first RREP, it can begin sending data to the destination.
Route Maintenance: When a node detects a broken link while attempting to forward a packet to the next hop, it generates a RERR packet that is sent to all sources using the broken link. The RERR packet erases all routes using the link along the way. If a source receives a RERR packet and a route to the destination is still required, it initiates a new route discovery process.
1.2   Multipath Routing in MANETs
Standard routing protocols in ad hoc wireless networks, such as AODV and DSR, are mainly intended to discover a single route between a source and destination node. Multipath routing consists of finding multiple routes between a source and destination node.
1.2.1 Route Discovery and Maintenance: Route discovery and route maintenance consists of finding multiple routes between a source and destination node. Multipath routing protocols can attempt to find node disjoint, link disjoint, or non-disjoint routes. Node disjoint routes, also known as totally disjoint routes, have no nodes or links in common. Link disjoint routes have no links in common, but may have nodes in common. Non-disjoint routes can have nodes and links in common. From a fault tolerance perspective, more reliable paths should be selected to reduce the chance of routes failures. Path selection also plays an important role for QoS routing. In QoS routing, only a subset of paths that together satisfies the QoS requirement is selected.
1.2.2 Split Multipath Routing: Split Multipath Routing (SMR) proposed  is an on-demand multipath source routing protocol. SMR is similar to DSR, and is used to construct maximally disjoint paths. Unlike DSR, intermediate nodes do not keep a route cache, and therefore, do not reply to RREQs. This is to allow the destination to receive all the routes so that it can select the maximally disjoint paths. Maximally disjoint paths have as few links or nodes in common as possible. Duplicate RREQs are not necessarily discarded.
2. Security Issues in Mobile Ad hoc Network
As the data is transmitted over the adhoc there is no centralized manager for the adhoc network, because of this the chances of Intruder attach increase. The Attack can be in case of Unipath routing or in multipath, Even the topology is dynamic still it has many flaws in terms of security.
The Intruder attack is on the algorithmic approach of data transfer.  Some of the common attacks on security are:
1. Attacks using modification- False Sequence number
Malicious nodes can cause redirection of network traffic and DoS attacks by altering control message fields. In AODV, any node may divert traffic through itself by advertising a route to a node with a desti_sequence_num greater than the authentic value.
2. Attacks using modification – False hop counts.
AODV uses the hop count field to determine a shortest path Malicious nodes can set hop count to zero. DSR uses source routes in data packets DoS attack can be launched in DSR by altering the source routes in the packet headers.
3.Attacks using modification tunneling
A tunneling attack is where two or more nodes may collaborate to encapsulate messages between them.
Traditional Approach of Data Transfer in Unicast Transferring
According to a standard approach of communication between two nodes it is always based on the shortest path. The shortest path gives number of benefits like Easy implementation, Fast and reliable data transfer between nodes. One of the common algorithm for selecting the path is given below:
/* A is the Weighted graph of n size to represent the Ad hoc Network*/
      Step 1. Generate the neighbour list for the source node and put it in the matrix.
Step 2 .Starting from the first neighbour generate the next neighbour.
Step 3. Check if that neighbour already exist in the list if yes than it is a loopback and go to end;
Step 4. Generate the route from all the neighbours for the destination and continue  on that path.
Step 5. Generate the route to destination from all neighbours where ever possible.
Step 6. Compare the route length generated by all the possible routes. Compare all the routes in the distance matrix and choose the path to destination which has the lowest path length.
This approach of data transfer is very common in case of dynamic topology like the sensor network.  But as the intruder attacks according to the same approach it gives the very high chances of Data hack.

In this diagram, there are number of possible paths and as a reliable and fastest path , the client will always select the shortest path .But this approach has some problems based on security and reliability. Some of them are as follows:
1. Select One Shortest path
  • Use of wireless links in shortest path susceptible to link attacks
  • Relatively poor protection as in Battlefields.
  • Passive eavesdropping
  • Attacks from compromised attacks.

2. Multi Path
  • Flooding: As an incoming packet is sent on all incoming links,it limit the number of hops to avoid infinite loops or forward packets only once using a packet ID or only on selected links in the right direction
  • Multicasting: Terribly expensive in terms of resource utilization and results in minimum delay
 We are suggesting the alternate path approach that is close to the shortest path and more reliable and secure.
Security Requirements of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
Requirements of Ad-Hoc Network are:
• Route signalling can’t be spoofed
• Fabricated routing messages can’t be injected into the network
• Routing messages can’t be altered in transit
• Routing loops can’t be formed by through malicious action
• Routes can’t be redirected from the shortest path by malicious action
• Unauthorized nodes should be excluded from route computation and discovery.
Path A to B
/* A is the Adjacency matrix representation of given network, n is the no of nodes and a,b are two nodes between we have to transfer data*/
Step 1. Give the range of the network node and set all other elements that are outside  the range to 0.
Step 2. Find the Neighbour of Each node of network starting from node a to node b.
Step 3.Find the shortest path from source to destination and store it in an array called array[ ].
Step 4. Search the neighbour list and pick a random node from the list and put that node in the array.
Step 5. Compare the random node with all the elements of the shortest path array. If the array[top] element matches with any of the elements in the list then Make the entry corresponding to that node in neighbour array.
Step 6. Compare the neighbour list of the generated node with all the elements of array otherwise pick a random node from the list and put it in the array
Finally we get the list of nodes that provide a safe path in case of unicast, this pass is very closer to the shortest path but does not include any node from the shortest path list because of this it provide the secure transmission on the algorithm implementation attack of the Intruder.

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