Ants Protect Acacia Plants Against Pathogens
The biological term
"symbiosis" refers to what economists and politicians usually call a
win-win situation: a relationship between two partners which is beneficial to
both. The mutualistic association between acacia plants and the ants that live
on them is an excellent example: The plants provide food and accommodation in
the form of food bodies and nectar as well as hollow thorns which can be used
as nests. The ants return this favor by protecting the plants against
herbivores. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in
Jena, Germany, have now found that ants also keep harmful leaf pathogens in
check. The presence of ants greatly reduces bacterial abundance on surfaces of
leaves and has a visibly positive effect on plant health. Study results
indicate that symbiotic bacteria colonizing the ants inhibit pathogen growth on
the leaves.
Myrmecophytes are plants
which live in a symbiotic relationship with ants. The acacia species Acacia hindsii, which is native to
tropical dry forests in Central America, is such a myrmecophyte. Its
inhabitants are ants of the genusPseudomyrmex.
The ants depend completely on their host plants for nectar and the food bodies
rich in proteins and lipids which they require. The acacia also provides
shelter, the so-called domatia, in the hollows of its swollen thorns. In return
for room and board, mutualistic Pseudomyrmex
ferrugineus ants become bodyguards, protecting their host against
herbivores and competing plants. However, some ants also benefit from the
plant's services without giving anything in return, such as the parasitic ant
species Pseudomyrmex gracilis.
Scientists at the Max
Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology have now looked more deeply into the
insect-plant interaction, asking whether the tiny bodyguards also provide
protection against microbial pathogens. They compared the leaves of acacia
plants which were inhabited by either mutualistic or parasitic ants to leaves
from which ants had been removed. Intriguingly, the leaves of acacia colonized
by parasitic ants showed more leaf damage from herbivores and microbial
pathogens than did the leaves that had mutualistic ants. The presence of the
right symbiotic partner seemed to have a positive effect on the plant's health.
Analysis of the
surfaces of the leaves revealed that the number of plant pathogens as well as
of necrotic plant tissues increased considerably when mutualistic Pseudomyrmex ferrugineus ants
were absent. These plants also showed strong immune responses in the form of an
increased concentration of salicylic acid, a plant hormone which regulates
defense against pathogens. Detailed analysis of the bacterial composition on
the surfaces of the leaves suggested that the presence of mutualistic ants
changed the bacterial populations and reduced harmful pathogens. Although far
less pronounced, this effect could also be observed in parasitic ants.
How antimicrobial
protection is transferred from ants to plant is still unclear. Chilean
researcher Marcia González-Teuber, first author of the publication, suspected
that microorganisms associated with the ants might play a role. Because acacia
leaves are touched mainly by ants' legs, she extracted the legs of mutualistic
and parasitic ants and tested the effect of the extracts on the growth of
bacterial pathogens in the lab.
Plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae was
sensitive to the application of leg extracts of both ant species and its growth
was inhibited. In the next step, the scientist isolated and identified bacteria
from the legs of the ants. In lab tests, bacterial strains of the genera Bacillus, Lactococcus, Pantoea and Burkholderiaeffectively inhibited the
growth of Pseudomonas bacteria
isolated from infected acacia leaves. Interestingly, some of the bacterial
genera associated with the ants are known to produce antibiotic substances.
The Jena researchers
have thus added another level of interaction to the symbiosis between ants and
their host plants. "Such mutualistic relationships are much more complex
than previously thought. In the future, we will have to include bacteria and
other microorganisms in our considerations," says Wilhelm Boland, head of
the Department of Bioorganic Chemistry at the Max Planck Institute. Studies on
symbiotic relationships between ants and myrmecophytic plants should not
overlook the role of bacterial partners that help the ants protect
"their" plants.